H2K Helper

H2K Helper is dedicated to helping Energy Advisors and Service Organizations work smarter, not harder. We are streamlining and simplifying the EnerGuide evaluation and HOT2000 modeling process to save you time and eliminate repetitive tasks. Sign up below to receive our newsletter with tips and tricks to make your job easier and be the first to know when our automation software is available.

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HOT2000 Geometry Software

Many Energy Advisors calculate house geometry on paper by hand or use Excel to help them with their calculations. They then individually transfer these values into HOT2000 when creating an energy model. H2K Helper’s geometry software makes this process quicker and easier.

It pairs with a simple to use Excel spreadsheet that allows users to enter the height and perimeter of each level of a house. After completing the spreadsheet the software will automatically generate a HOT2000 file with the correct foundation, walls, ceiling, headers, above and below grade floor areas, and volume information. This saves time and reduces errors by skipping the step of manually typing geometry calculation results into HOT2000.

Window Data Collection App

Collecting window information and modelling each window in HOT2000 is something that not many Energy Advisors enjoy. That’s why we are creating software that allows Energy Advisors to collect this data in an easy to use app on their cell phone, tablet, or laptop.

After collecting the window data the app will create an easy to read document with the details of each window that meets NRCan’s standards for data collection. Then, with the click of a button all windows collected in the app will be modelled into a HOT2000 file through our automation software.

This website and H2K Helper have no affiliation with and are not endorsed by Natural Resources Canada.

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Email: [email protected]